

Reviews (26)

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Reviews (26)
  • R****b
    Fun to be a porn star for a little while.
  • ji****er
    My wife loves it and so do I great great toy
  • Sn****lD
    Written by him. TLDR; For the price this is a good affordable option. Measure yourself 1st, then compare to product inner dimensions and if you're +/- a little (1in max) it will be good enough. This is meant for a fully erect Sugar stick. This will not work on a flaccid or nearly flaccid love muscle. Pros: Affordable & fun for both. Cons: Like all products, might not work for all sizes. Care must be taken before, during and after use(storage). Or you'll regret it. The Penis Cock Sleeve Vibrator is an affordable fun sleeve we both enjoyed using. In the world of penis sleeves there's a lot of bad out there, and while this product is far from perfect, for the price, it was definitely enjoyable. It has moderately versatile features and design. So if you're of averaged size length & girth L= 5.5 in +/- 1in and G=1.5 in +/- 1 this toy is a great option to enhance things for fun. First and foremost, this is not made of platinum silicone and is not the high end material or quality of many toys all would prefer. The vibrations are mid level, not too buzzy and not too rumbly, the latter of which could definitely be improved. The 4-in-1 functionality of this toy is more 3 in 1, rather than 4 in one. It combines a 1) penis extender, 2) (n/a) doesn't pump, 3) enlarger, and 4) vibrator all in one package. This versatility does give you some options but let's be real, the goal is to be a little bigger and add some vibrations for playtime all while doing so without breaking the bank. Are there better quality sleeves out there? 100% yes. If you're looking for something that will be affordable, fun for a few occasions, with realistic expectations, then yes, this will check those boxes. Expectations outside of this and you'll be disappointed. One of the standout features of this toy is its integration with modern technology. The inclusion of an app and a remote control is something the big brand name companies don't include and still charge much more for their similar products. Still at $50+/-, this sleeve is perfect for spicing up intimate moments with your partner. The elastic penis ring included with this product is decent, although you must take care when putting it on or off not to let the heat of the moment or incorrect (absent measuring of its capabilities) have you pulling it on/off too hard or it will break 100%. Again, at this price point and material choice, only thing you can do is make do with what you have. In my experience, after it's fully charged, I tried it out alone just to see how it was, before trying it with my partner. I placed it in warm leaning to hot water to help it have some better elasticity. Applied a small amount of lube to help slide it on, (Note: don't apply too much or it will be sliding all over and be unenjoyable.) As I got near having it fully on I milked/squeezed the sleeve to get any air bubbles out and voilà, I was ready for fun, and laughing at my newly enhanced wiggle stick in the mirror. It's definitely something that helps prolong erections but doesn't completely desensitize you down there. Again, this is something that will be vastly different for each person. So take that with a grain of salt. The color of the toy isn't going to be a perfect match, but it's certainly a commendable attempt to make it more realistic. The overall aesthetic is definitely appealing. Adds girth and length for sure. Flexible materials felt good for us both. Needed to add lube a couple times, but that wasn't too big of a deal. All in all, this sleeve is worth it if you take the time and care to measure, use and store properly. It's fun to have the extra length, the added girth and the remote control vibrations, make it a standout product in the flooded market of sleeves. If you're looking to enhance your pleasure and explore something new I highly recommend giving this toy a try. It's worth every penny! We both enjoyed this item, and would buy again when this budget friendly toy goes beyond its useful life. If you're on the fence, take the chance. I think you'll enjoy.
  • D****W
    A very nice product I love how you can create your own program or are able to down load programs other users have posted
  • M****e
    I used this on my wife as soon as I got it and she was very pleasured afterwards. she'd give the product a 5 star review and I give it a 10 outta 10, good for those of us that aren't well endowed, also still feels good on the long Johnson
  • Go****ad
    I give it 5 of 5 stars. The realness and quality of skin like texture is awesome. The vibrating head that works with the remote is awesome!! Works great so far wife loves it.
  • K****a
    It was an interesting experience (and whenever I'm due for a little punishment ) My partner is not lacking in that department to begin, adding this is a bit longer than I can immediately take happily without some time and effort.... but for both of us I think that's part of the fun! Simple instructions, simple to use. The app is a trip and nakes it feel like a game along with the remote. It arrived early and the first one was not delivered (i think a neighbor got curious, idk) and we had to request a replacement- that's the one that arrived early! Easy process as well. I honestly don't know how some ladies enjoy the even bigger toys and all, my uterus is not a fan. The vibrations and different paterns are fun and keep it fresh and it's a fine addition to the less vanilla section of our collection. Him - 10/10 . Myself - 9/10 . Nice detailing and asthetic. Realistic especially in limited lighting situations. We both enjoyed it in more than one way. Of you're up to the challenge, why not. (I can also see this as being beneficial to those who aren't as naturally gifted as my partner and those who like to stretch themselves lol
  • D****n
    Loves this. It was thick and durable. The size was average so it felt amazing.
  • Al****ed
    Comodo nel uso. Ben proporzionato. Da soddisfazione.
  • W****B
    My wife and I wanted to try something new and different from our other toys. We were not disappointed. This toy is a lot of fun! She loved the added size and the vibration was more than enough to get both of us to orgasm. It was easy to put on with the lube that was included. I was also surprised by how comfortable it is to wear. We are definitely adding this one to our rotation of toys! Highly recommend!
  • Je****er
    This penis sleeve is really great! It looks just like it does in the picture and feels like skin. Adds and easy inch in the front and decent girth on the sides. Vibration modes are next level and it's nearly silent. This is my first sleeve and love it!!
  • Da****ll
    Great product, very realistic. My wife loves it. To me it feels kind of like a thick condom. Which makes me last longer than 60 seconds finally. The only issue was it was a little longer than I was and it didn't fit me. But the material was easy to cut and modify to make that perfect fit. Now we use this every time. My wife greatly enjoys it. And me seeing how much she enjoys it keeps me harder. And our intimacy has increased to several times a week instead of twice a month. It has also made her start making the first move which I know all of us men prefer
  • J****y
    OMG Where do I begin !!! This was one of the best toys I've tried, and I've tried alot . Looking at the product right out of packaging you can see it has very detailed features and color . It looks so real . The feel is AMAZING super soft life like skin texture, it's very girthy but fits on perfect for even a small or average size penis . It's light weight but also has some heftyness to it . It's the perfect thickness . The vibration modes are next level their quiet yet strong 9 modes to go through. And each one delivers an out of this world experience. I can't express enough how real this felt . I've tried plenty of life like silicone toys and this one is top notch . This is the perfect toy to add to your collection and the price is unbelievable for the quality. I tried it with one of my toys that's around 5 and a little slim and I almost forgot it was a sleeve . IT WAS THE BEST SEX I EVER HAD ! Definitely worth it.
  • C****o
    Als eine Person, die zunächst skeptisch war, bin ich von der Qualität und den Ergebnissen dieser Penishülle absolut überzeugt. Die Penishülle hat meine Erwartungen weit übertroffen und ich kann sie ohne Zweifel mit fünf Sternen bewerten.

    1. Komfort: Die Penishülle ist unglaublich bequem zu tragen. Das Material ist weich und flexibel, sodass sie sich natürlich anfühlt und sich meinem Körper anpasst. Ich habe keine unangenehmen Reibungen oder Druckstellen erlebt, selbst bei längeren Tragezeiten.

    2. Passform: Die Hülle passt perfekt und bleibt während des gesamten Gebrauchs sicher an Ort und Stelle. Sie rutscht nicht und verhindert ein Verrutschen, was zu einem reibungslosen und angenehmen Erlebnis beiträgt.

    3. Stimulation: Die strukturierte Oberfläche der Penishülle bietet zusätzliche Stimulation für meine Partnerin. Die verschiedenen Texturen und Noppen verstärken die Empfindungen während des Geschlechtsverkehrs und haben zu intensiveren Höhepunkten geführt.

    4. Materialqualität: Die Hülle besteht aus hochwertigem, hautfreundlichem Silikon, das geruchlos und leicht zu reinigen ist. Ich schätze die Langlebigkeit des Materials, da es sich auch nach mehrmaligem Gebrauch nicht abnutzt oder seine Form verliert.

    5. **Diskretion**: Die diskrete Verpackung und das unauffällige Design der Penishülle ermöglichen es, sie diskret zu lagern und zu transportieren. Ich schätze die Diskretion, die mir erlaubt, mein persönliches Vergnügen privat zu genießen.

    Insgesamt kann ich diese Penishülle nur wärmstens empfehlen. Sie hat nicht nur mein sexuelles Vergnügen erheblich gesteigert, sondern auch die Intimität und Verbundenheit in meiner Partnerschaft bereichert.
  • Lo****ra
    It fulfilled the expectations, it served as an extender of a couple of centimeters more, the material lacks resemblance to that of the real penis, but it fulfills the function and the vibrations provided a little more pleasure. Although I don't complain about my partner's tool, I wanted to try something different and this gave a complement to what I already had at home with my partner. I give it five stars.
  • D****y
    Very realistic feel!! I have above average hangers and this toy does not restrict around the package. Definitely a must try this one is
  • R****e
    The best thing, my wife enjoys, I try not to use it with the vibrator for two reasons, so that she doesn't notice (just the increase in size) and to prevent me from getting too fast (that I'm not a masturbator). She happily just told me she's a little bigger.
  • C****l
    Très réaliste et très confortable autant pour madame que moi. Je recommande
  • Ma****ty
    Performs well, makes things a bit wider than she prefers but it is fun!
  • Jo****ss
    Feels pretty close to real skin -ish, comfortable fit, easy to use and wear, your partner will surely be happy you got it, battery life is great so it can last for awhile without dying , approx 40-50 min on medium vibration level, doesnt make too much noise really so you can use it without the whole world knowing about the fun your trying to have lol, my wife and myself dont regret the purchase