

Reviews (4)

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Reviews (4)
  • P****M
    At first glance, you can tell this one is very well made. Solid construction, yet the silicone is just the right combination of firm and soft. Though I had low expectations because many of these types tend to be uncomfortable, if not painful, this one was a nice surprise. It doesn't have the typical suck your junk clean off until you have to call 911 approach. It actually uses the shape of the mouth in conjunction with motors that move the lips, making a sucking motion, without any of the discomfort. With the proper amount of lube, you can pretty much just let it do it's thing without any effort on your part. However, I find it operates just as well without the suction function turned on as a stroker only. I didn't even mention the powerful vibration, which is just a bonus to an already effective device. You won't last long with all those features going, I promise you. I'd also like to say it's super easy to clean and the electronics are totally isolated so you won't damage them with water.

    One caveat though, if you're above 6 , you'll probably wish it went deeper, but I realize that this is designed more for the head/gland stimulation more than the entire shaft. Despite that, I highly recommend it.
  • S****r
    I was really caught off guard by this! I've experimented with similar products in before, and they were all ok. I've even tried some highly expensive and high-end options, and they worked flawlessly for at least an hour until the battery died. But this one—I'm still unsure what it is—has always hit me strongly and nearly immediately. Half of the time I didn't even think I was as hard as I was until I pulled it off. Every time, I do this thing in less than ten minutes, and normally, I can edge for a considerable amount of time. This is extremely well done; the momentum it generates and the suction it creates feel natural.
  • Da****ra
    I'm not walking around with a tree trunk between my legs, but this seems like it's made for a small micropenis. It's also super loud..
  • Su****me
    Nice product with a unique mechanism, makes it something that stands out. No, this isnt one of those spinning thrusting things you see everywhere. There is actually a biting motion like described, as well as a couple of good waterproofed rotors integrated. All-in-all a pleasant experience, including cleanup and storage/transportation because of the smaller overall size.